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July 2024 Journaling Round-Up

journaling prompts Aug 12, 2024

Hello! Welcome to the journaling revolution! That may seem grandiose, but we know from experience the positive impact that comes when we spend time each day processing our thoughts and clearing out the junk drawer of our minds. A clear mind enables us to be more present with our loved ones, focus more clearly at work, and feel better about our lives!

Below are the journaling prompts for July. Visit our home page to join our mailing list, and you’ll receive a fresh prompt in your inbox every Monday!



This week, as we celebrate Independence Day in the United States, you’re going to hear a lot about freedom.

And while women in the United States have many more freedoms than women in other areas of the world, you may still feel unfree.

I’m not talking about politics or laws but the realities of our own lives. It’s hard to feel free when you’re in a job, relationship, or friendship you don’t like. Most of us have felt trapped in situations where we couldn't see a way out.

I want to make a bold claim here that might surprise you. Very few people in the United States are actually trapped. Certainly, there are victims around us, particularly children and vulnerable adults, but I think it's safe to say that most of us aren’t them.

Most of us are in situations we can either get out of or change our mindset about. Feeling trapped in a bad relationship? Perhaps it’s time to leave. Feeling trapped in a bad financial situation? What can you do to earn more or spend less?

Does this seem like a too-simplistic perspective? In some ways, it is, but sometimes, simple things are the most true.

Let’s process this together.

Journaling Prompt:
1. Write a few paragraphs about a situation in which you currently feel trapped. Are you actually trapped?
2. Make a list of 4 things you can do to regain some personal freedom.


Here at Success Your Way, one of our favorite parts of journaling is the time we spend writing down our gratitude. When we reflect on what we’re grateful for, we are more likely to recognize the goodness in our everyday lives.

We want to be people who see beauty and experience gratitude in every season and situation.

It’s easy to be thankful for the big things—your spouse and kids, a new job, or your favorite team winning the Super Bowl. But real transformation comes when your heart is tuned to the smallest blessings—a cool breeze, a small kindness, a sense of peace that comes over you on a hard day.

This week, let’s practice feeling gratitude for the small moments we experience.

Journaling Prompt:
Begin each day this week by writing a list of 5 small things you’re grateful for.


Each season brings its unique energy, and summer is the season of fun, happiness, joy, and optimism. When life gets hard, or you feel overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities, it's easy to miss out on opportunities to live in the spirit of summer.

As adults, we’re taught that worldly success is the most important thing and that it deserves the bulk of our attention. But the truth is that success means nothing without joy. What would be the point of achieving success if you never stopped to allow yourself to feel happy?
A lot of business coaches will tell you that the secret to success is to hustle as hard as you can. While you might experience moments like that in your life, true success comes when you build a life and business that work together for your happiness.

Journaling Prompt:
Take some time to write about the things in your life today that make you happy. Then, write a little bit about what your happy future will be like.


There’s a popular saying that we are all a combination of the handful of people we spend the most time with. When you say it out loud, it seems obvious! Of course, you are. But the more you think about it, the more you realize the importance of surrounding yourself with quality relationships.

We’ve all been with people whose negativity starts to rub off on us. You feel perfectly fine, then one lunch with the wrong person can ruin your mood for the rest of the day. On the flip side, one great meeting with the right person can put you in a great mood.

Are the people in your life making your life more joyful?

Journaling Prompt:
Let’s do a relationship inventory. Make a list of the five people with whom you spend the most time. Next to each name, write a sentence or two about how each of them makes you feel.


Do you ever feel like you're lost at sea?

You know, that sensation that you’re just floating through life, not exactly sure where you’re going? Usually, that feeling comes when your life lacks vision. When you have a strong vision for your life you can use it like a map to direct your path, without it you may find yourself wandering aimlessly.

If claiming a vision for your future sounds intimidating, we encourage you to start small. Over the next week, take some time to yourself to imagine a more beautiful future for yourself. What does that future look like? Who is with you? Where do you live? How do you spend your days?

When you can pull yourself out of the present moment, you can begin creating your future.

Journaling Prompt:
Today, take 5 minutes to write about how you want to feel as you come closer in alignment with your vision for the future.


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